Unit 6: Evolution
Plate Tectonics/Earth's Layers
Quarter 2
Week 2 10/23/23-10/27/23
Monday 10/23/23
Notes on Earth's Layers
Tuesday 10/24/23
Wednesday 10/25/23
Finish Earth's Layers Foldable
Thursday & Friday 10/26-10/27/23
Period 2 is also doing Test Corrections
Explain Plate Tectonic Project
Week #3
Monday 10/30/23
Tuesday 10/31/23
Wednesday 11/1/23
Play dough Earth's Layer's Creation
Finish Pangaea Puzzle
Research for Plate Tectonics Project
Thursday & Friday 11/2 & 11/3/23
20-30 minutes research time on Project
Week #4
Monday 11/6/23
Answer the questions after reading
Tuesday 11/7/23
Plate Tectonics Review Worksheet
Plate Tectonics Quiz
Wednesday 11/8/23
Work on Plate Tectonic Project
Finish missing work
Thursday 11/9/23
Study Guide for exam
Plate Tectonic Project
Missing work
Week #5
Monday 11/13/23
Plate Tectonics Project due
DIA on Earth's Layers/ Plate Tectonics
Tuesday 11/14/23
Finish DIA
Remediation and Test corrections
Login to Canvas and complete sections you missed.
Wednesday 11/15/23
Remediation and test correction
Login to Canvas and complete the section you missed.