Unit 6: Evolution
Quarter 2 Week 5
Unit 4 Rock Cycle
Thursday & Friday (11/16 & 11/17)
Rock Cycle Magic School bus
Viewing sheet
Quarter 2 Week #6
Monday (11/27/23)
Tuesday (11/28/23)
Ride the Rock Cycle Cartoon Strip
Create a cartoon strip/comic strip of the trip you took through the rock cycle in class.
This is a graded assignment
Choose groups for Rock Cycle Project
Creating a script to either act out or sing a song all about how rocks move through the rock cycle.
Wednesday (11/29/23)
Work on Rock Cycle Project with group.
Thursday & Friday (11/30/23 & 12/1/23)
Work on Project
Quarter 2 Week #7
Monday (12/4/23)
Rock Cycle Worksheet
Tuesday (12/5/23)
Rock Cycle Quiz
Law of Superposition/ Radioactive Dating Notes
Wednesday (12/6/23)
Rock Cycle Project Due Wednesday Dec 13th.
Thursd1y & Friday (12/7/23 & 12/8/23)
Quarter 2 Week #8
Monday (12/11/23)
Deforestation Article
Tuesday (12/12/23)
The Dirt we Depend on Article
Relative Dating Information worksheet
Study Guide for test on Thursday (12/14/23)
Rock Cycle performance due tomorrow (12/13/23)
Wednesday (12/13/23)
Present Rock Cycle Project
Thursday (12/14/23)
DIA #4 Rock Cycle
Friday 12/15/23 End of Quarter 2